A Doppler Ultrasound Scan assesses the amount of blood flowing through blood vessels in the arteries and veins in the legs. A Doppler Ultrasound, combined with a regular Ultrasound, takes images of the lower limbs to enable doctors to evaluate how well the blood is circulating and to look for the presence of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) clots.
This type of scanning is used when a DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) is suspected. A DVT occurs when a large clot forms in a vein in the leg, restricting or stopping blood flow. If you have been experiencing pain or swelling of the calves or ankles then you can request a Doppler Ultrasound Scan to diagnose or rule out a DVT.
A Doppler Ultrasound Scan can also assess blood flow through the arteries in the legs, to look for areas of atherosclerosis, which is when fatty substances cause arteries to narrow. Atherosclerosis can cause Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD), which can cause leg pain as the blood supply to the legs is restricted. A Doppler Scan can also evaluate the effect of arterial grafts.