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Pall Mall | Blood tests

STD/STI Testing

Confidential and discreet testing for sexually transmitted infections and diseases.

  • No waiting times
  • Fast results
  • Clinics in Manchester, Liverpool and Newton-le-Willows
  • From £194

STI Test Costs

Common Screen
  • HIV
  • Chlamydia Test
  • Gonorrhoea
  • Syphilis

Was £194

Now £155.20 Call Now Enquire now
Standard Screen
  • HIV
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhoea
  • Syphilis
Advanced Screen
  • HIV
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Chlamydia Test
  • Gonorrhoea
  • Syphilis
  • Mycoplasma
  • Ureaplasma
  • Trichomonas
  • Gardnerella
  • Herpes I/II
*Individual SDI tested available on request.

We have introduced online booking to make things easier for you.

Why use Pall Mall for STD/STI testing?

Whether it’s after an unexpected sexual encounter where you might have put yourself at risk; or for pro-active screening if you are with a new partner or want peace of mind.  All of our STD and STI tests can be performed in a simple ‘test-only’ appointment with a Nurse - ideal if you just want a short and discreet visit.

  • 100% confidential - details/results always private
  • Fast lab results - often within 1-3 working days
  • Instant results - within 20 minutes onsite
  • Locations - city centre locations for easy access
  • Test - performed only by qualified nurses & GPs
  • Judgement free & discreet
  • Rapid access - same or next day appointments
  • 6 days a week - available Monday to Saturday
  • Convenience - early morning, daytime, evenings

Enquire About Our Services

A member of our team will be in touch with you to discuss your requirements. 

I agree to receive advice, offers and news by email and SMS in accordance with our privacy policy

We have experience of delivering 5 star services to over 10,000 patients every year.

This is why our patients rate us Excellent on Trustpilot.

We put you at the heart of everything we do

We put the patient at the heart of everything we do.

Pall Mall Medical is owned and led by doctors –which means care without compromise. We’re driven by how best we can deliver what you need from start to finish.

  • Care Quality Commission Regulated.
  • State-of-the-art facilities.
  • No waiting lists.
  • Rated 4.95 by our patients.
  • No referrals required.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Our expert team are always hand to help, advise and arrange appointments with our specialist consultants.

What tests or advice can I have?
  • Instant STI & STD testing
  • HIV only testing
  • Individual blood or urine STI or STD tests
  • Screening for multiple STI's & STD's together
  • Genital lesion testing (for sores/lumps/skin changes)
  • GP appointments for genital examinations
  • Treatment and management of STI's and STD's
  • Sexual health advice & counselling
What if I cannot remember what happened?
When you are unsure about your exposure activity, it is best to be safe and take an Advanced Screen to cover as many risks as possible.
What if I had intercourse with a new person?
Even if you only slept with a person once; you are still at risk of contracting an infection. Take a Standard Screen before any further sexual activity. If you already have a regular partner and want more rapid results, take an Early Detection Screen or Instant Testing for faster results.
What if I had intercourse with a prositute or sex worker?
You should choose an Advanced Screen due to the higher risk from a sex worker having a large number of unknown clients and the ease of infections spreading quickly.
What if I have given or received oral sex?
You can still catch STI/STD’s from using your mouth and hands by performing oral sex. A Common Screen will cover common infections that can be transmitted from genitals.
What if we touched but did not have oral sex or intercourse?
There are some common STI’s that can be passed on through body contact alone and a Common Screen will test for infections transmitted in gential fluids from touching a partner intimately (such as ‘fingering’). If you feel there was any blood contact or cuts/sores when you touched, it is best to have a Standard Screen.
What if I have given or received anal sex?
There are higher risks from sexual activity with the anus and rectum. A Standard Screen will cover common risks or an Early Detection Screen if you want results sooner.
What if I have a sore, lump or lesion in my genital area?
If you have any visible symptoms, whether a wart, sore, skin lesion or lump/bump, you should have this checked. You can either book a GP appointment for a physical examination or a Symptomatic Genital Lesion Screen, especially designed for common STI’s that cause physical symptoms such as the HPV virus which can cause genital warts.
What are the early symptoms of an infection?
In many cases a patient can have no visible or physical symptoms of an STI or STD but can still carry an infection or disease. It is important to have regular testing when you are exposed to a risk of infection or disease.
How long should I wait before testing?
The period of time (number of days) that you must wait between any exposure incident and getting tested is different for each type of infection. For example, Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea can typically be detected after two weeks, but HIV can be tested from 10 days post exposure.
STD or STILab TestInstant Test
Chlamydia14 days14 days
Gonorrhoea7 days14 days
HIV (early detection)10 days26 days
Hepatitis B (early detection)10 days28 days
Hepatitis C (early detection)10 days12 days
Syphilis14 days14 days
Herpes28 days-
HPV28 days-
Mycoplasma Genitalium14 days-
Ureaplasma14 days-
Trichomonas Vaginalis14 days-
Gardnerella VaginalisAny time-
Vaginal Swab for CultureAny time-
Swab for CultureAny time-
When will I get my results back?
This varies by the tests chosen but is normally within 1-4 working days from when the sample is received at the laboratory. We offer STI/STD testing with a free courier collection & delivery to the laboratory for rapid turnaround times – because we know nobody likes the agonising wait for important results. Need results right now? Try the cutting-edge instant tests with results available within just 20 minutes.
Are my results confidential?
Yes. Your results are 100% completely confidential. Your booking details and results will NOT be shared with any third parties or your NHS GP. Pall Mall Medical is an independant heathcare clinic and therefore you have complete privacy from the NHS and your medical records.
How will I receive my results?
You can specify to the practitioner how you receive your results, which is normally by Call, Text Message, Email or by collection in person at the clinic.
What if my test result is positive?
Finding out you have a STD or STI can be difficult to take in and deal with – our sensitive and highly trained GPs can help you through this daunting process and provide you with a treatment plan. If prescription medication is required, this can be prescribed straight away; maintaining your privacy from the NHS and meaning you can remain discreet whilst completing any treatment.

We also have expert Genito-Urinary Medicine Consultants who are able to help should you require an expert opinion or further investigations.

Our Blogs

Let’s talk about sex: Sexual health advice
It's important to take the time to talk about sexual health—including the importance of safe sex and knowing the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases.
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Always here to help, whenever you need us

Our expert team are always here to help, advise and arrange appointments with our specialist consultants.