How to self-examine your breasts
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How to check your Boobs for Breast Cancer, even with Implants.
Our aim is to educate people so that they have the right knowledge and information needed to detect early signs of breast cancer.
Last year Cancer Research UK found that around 55,000 women and 370 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the UK. Yes, men can get breast cancer too!
It is vital to get to grips with your own breasts, knowing how they look, feel and understanding what’s normal for you. It's normal for our breasts to change at different times of the month, as you age, and after you’ve had children or surgery but, it’s important to recognise the difference between these changes in order to identify potential health problems early.
How to check your boobs with implants?
Breast examination is the same with implants as it is without because the implants are placed either in front or behind the muscle and away from the breast tissues. Any defects with the breast tissue can still be detected.
An important thing to remember before examining your breasts at home after you've received a breast augmentation is to wait until you are fully healed. We recommend waiting till after the six week mark, this way you can recognise the difference between scar tissue and regular tissue.
Can I have a mammogram with breast implants?
Yes. If you have breast implants, you should still get regular screening mammograms. It's important to mention when booking your mammogram that you have breast implants, as your doctor will need to take extra pictures to ensure they can see as much breast tissue as possible.

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